At Moulton Preschool we are incredibly lucky to have the brilliant Sophie from Moo Music attend every Friday afternoon to carry out a session with our children. Here is what Sophie says about the programme and the benefits that this has for children who attend Moulton Preschool.
"Moo Music Ely and Newmarket use the original songs and music developed by Craig McLeish specifically to enable the development and progression of skills for young children. Each song is designed to be catchy and fun for our little ones (and us) while allowing them to learn, play instruments, move and socialise.
Each week I design a session that includes songs we have learnt and are familiar with and introduce your little ones to wonderful, new, completely original licensed music with catchy tunes and effective lyrics! Latin, Country, Blues and more... all giving a true rounded experience of music while maintaining engagement through the use of instruments, movements and props.
Singing and repetition (ideally together) is such a strong passion of mine when working with little ones. Moo Music songs are very similar in composition and allow for learning to take place without even realising it.
All of the songs link with a variety of EYFS goals and each area can be clearly accessed within every session. Children are encouraged to learn about the world around them, physically move, communicate and consolidate number and word recognition with pictorial representations and some signing.
Creativity is a huge part of what I offer and children are encouraged and supported to explore the songs in their own way too. Even when it's driving you mad hearing or singing the same song, or reading the same story 34,7569000 times - it's exactly what our children need in order to retain and consolidate new information and learning! The predictability can also make our children feel safe and confident too!
Moo Music is a fantastic all round educational experience for children and I couldn't be happier to be running sessions at Moulton Pre-school!" Sophie, Moo Music

Credit BBC Tiny Happy People
We are also incredibly lucky to have the lovely Nicola join us at preschool once a week. Nicola is a specialist children's Yoga instructor and the children really enjoy the yoga classes she holds for us.
Yoga is a brilliant way to develop the children's core body strength as well as their balance, co-ordination, gross motor skills, proprioception and vestibular sense. The children act out stories by doing various yoga poses and we even use props to aid our story telling.
It is also great to help the children to calm their emotions and cope with big feelings which links in with our theme of Wellbeing.