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At Moulton Preschool we know how important it is for your children to have a healthy and balanced diet. We will provide your child with a healthy snack mid morning. We have a rolling snack system which means your child will always be given a choice. Other benefits of rolling snack include:

  • Children will be able to spend more time playing and learning and less time waiting for their peers to finish their snack

  • Helps to build confidence and self awareness

  • Excellent opportunity to build on language and communication 

  • Develops children's motor skills

  • Develops children's self help skills as they can help to prepare their own snack for example butter their own toast or pour their own drink

  • Promotes independence


Here is a list of some of the snacks that we offer. Everyday the children have a choice of two different fruits and one carbohydrate option. 

  • Weetabix

  • Cornflakes

  • Rice Krispies

  • Crackers

  • Rice Cakes

  • Toast 

  • Wraps

  • Strawberries

  • Yogurts

  • Oranges

  • Apples

  • Bananas 

  • Grapes 

  • Melon 

  • Cucumber 

  • Peppers


If your child is joining us for the whole session we ask that all parents and carers provide them with a healthy lunch in a named lunchbox with an ice pack inside. We are a nut free site and ask that all adhere to this policy. 

Some examples of things you could include in your child's lunch are:


  • Sandwiches, Wraps Pittas etc.

  • Pasta

  • Fresh/Dried Fruit

  • Vegetable sticks/slices

  • Yogurt

  • Cheese

  • Small bag of crisps

  • Small biscuit/Cake/flapjack

  • Fruit juice/smoothie







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